New; Tenure Track position chair Environmental Technology & Design

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Lecture about autonomous cars by Prof. R. Dijkstra and I. Ionescu, May 15

“Robocar also called autonomous or driverless is one of the evolutions capable to reshuffle the spatial logic of our complex urban environment. It can significantly change the streets’ layout and quality, neighbourhoods, destinations, introducing new types of cars, new human behaviours, activities, spatial uses and business models. The new types of cars will respond differently to our needs and will relate in a different way to our built environment: streets can be freed up from parked cars, building-car regulations can change, consequently streets can be redesigned and enhance their quality as public spaces. Will this mobility shift make people and cities more resilient and adaptive to the issues they face (such as growth, climate change and environmental quality, equity, energy transition and fast ICT development)? What are the fundamental aspects that can turn this change into a road trip to a sustainable urban future?

Currently, the discourse about autonomous cars has been mainly tech or transport planning oriented. We believe that urban designers should be part of this debate. Join us on Tuesday, 15th of May at TU Delft, BK (Room U) for a quick overview of the potential spatial changes made possible by Robocars, as seen from an urban design perspective. “

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Interview Gerdy Verschuure, dagblad Trouw

Naar aanleiding van het besluit van Minister van Nieuwenhuizen vorige week om extra geld beschikbaar te stellen voor het veiliger maken van gevaarlijke N-wegen, de zogenaamde dodenwegen, is de discussie opgelaaid over de (massale) kap van bomen langs deze wegen. Niet massaal kappen, maar kijken waar de problemen zijn en die oplossen. Bomenlanen hebben belangrijke ecologische, cultuurhistorische en ruimtelijke kwaliteiten die je niet zomaar moet kappen, was de strekking van een interview met Gerdy Verschuure van de leerstoel Landschapsarchitectuur in het dagblad Trouw. Dit was gebaseerd op eerder onderzoek van Gerdy Verschuure, Lotte Dijkstra en Karen Cubells Guilen naar het belang van deze bomen voor onze ruimtelijke omgeving.

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Students participate in workshop European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018!

Students of the elective Heritage Landcapes are participating in workshop Gemaakt Landschap/ Created Landscape. This workshop is organised by the Forestry Commission, European Year of Cultural Heritage and the State Heritage Service and will be held in Nijmegen on 25 and 26 April 2018. During these two day workshop the case study of Rijnstrangen will be studied and plans will be presented during the expert meeting on Thursday.

The aim of the expert meeting is to put together and agenda of future challenges and possible solutions from a European perspective. This month the theme is on .

The Rijnstrangen (silted side-channels of the river Rhine) are situated in the Gelderse Poort, where the river Rhine forks into the river Waal and the Pannerdens Kanaal (canal of Pannerden). For a long time, these side-channels were a highly dynamic part of the river. They were instrumental to the distribution of water to the different branches of the Rhine. The Rijnstrangen have been disconnected from the river since the 1960’s. The side-channels area may still breathe river, but it has lost its soul with the elimination of the river dynamics. The challenge is to explore the benefits of flood retention for the area in terms of flood protection, experience, potential profits and reinforcement of low-dynamic nature. And consequently what type of landscape this will result into with respect to and possibly with the help of the existing cultural history.

More information on the course and workshop: Gerdy Verschuure-Stuip

Ir G.A. Verschuure-Stuip (Gerdy)

universitair docent Landschapsarchitectuur and Erfgoed I assistant professor Landscape architecture and Heritage

coordination courses MSc 2- Q4 Heritage Landscapes, minor Design and Heritage
H [&] H research theme leader History and Heritage Vector I research programme Urbanism and Design & History
LDE Center for Global Heritage and Development:

TU Delft- Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE)
Dep. Urbanism I Julianalaan 134 I 2628 CR Delft I k. 00 west 030
M 06 28666315 I E I Available mo, tu, thu;
G.Verschuure-Stuip. De buitenplaatsbiotoop of landgoedbiotoop, nieuwe allianties in het beschermen van buitenplaatsen en landgoederen (Zuid Holland en Utrecht), Vitruvius 2015.
G.Verschuure-Stuip. Military brownfields in the Netherlands: the revitalisations of the New Dutch Waterline (1980–2014) in: S. Bagaeen en C. Clark, Sustainable Regeneration of Former Military Sites, Routlegde 2016, pp. 143-161(

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Job opportunity at TU Delft Landscape Architecture: Assistant Professor (1fte, tenure track)

For more information;

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Release of Off:Re:Onshore, an audio-documentary by Víctor Muñoz Sanz

How might architecture reassert the value of human work? Listen to OffReOnshore, a new audio documentary conceived and developed by Víctor Muñoz Sanz (Section of Urban Design), during his residence at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) as 2015–2016 Emerging Curator.

The documentary, produced by the CCA, explores the legacy of industrial offshoring, the effects of corporate actions on the built environment of labour, and the role of architecture in bringing closer ideas of work and the good life.

In recent decades, economies of the Global South have been shaped by offshore production and labour-intensive industrialization, which often come with dangerous work conditions, inadequate wages, and sexual exploitation, notably in the garment industry. Today, working and living conditions in and around those factories continue to deteriorate under the pressure of increasing South-to-South competition, economic protectionism, relocalization or reshoring, automation, and the loose framing of corporate responsibility offshore. So, where do we go from here?

It features Keller Easterling (Yale School of Architecture), Rosey Hurst (Impactt Ltd.), Sarah Labowitz (NYU), Rahul Mehrotra (Harvard Graduate of Design), Anne Elizabeth Moore (writer, School of the Art Institute of Chicago), Maitrayee Mukhopadhyay (Royal Tropical Institute), Raúl Cárdenas Osuna (architect and artist), and Wouter Vanstiphout (Professor of Design as Politics, TU Delft). They discuss contemporary opportunities to build sustainable futures beyond offshore production, and the role of design and architecture in reasserting the value of human work

Available on iTunes [] and on the CCA Website [].

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Vacancy Full Professor of Urban Design: Theory and Methods

Urbanism has a vacancy for a Full Professor of Urban Design / Theory and Methods. The vacancy text and application details can be found on thee TU Delft vacancy website

The vacancy will be open until February 1 2018.

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One-day symposium and Exhibition on Extreme Ecologies, Infrastructure and Forms of Life, 11-12-2017

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Job opportunity at Urbanism

Job opportunity at Urbanism: “Post-doctoral Researcher in Adaptive Urban Transformation”
For inquiries please contact:

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Vacancy advertisement 3D GeoInformation Group, Delft University of Technology

Title of the position: Assistant-professor 3D city modelling for urban applications (tenure track)
Chair: 3D GeoInformation Group, Delft University of Technology (
Deadline to apply: 8th of January 2018

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